MakerFocus DSTIKE ESP8266 Development Board WiFi Deauther Monster Module V4 with 1.3 OLED Display


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1. Connect the battery in the right way! Power cost is around 100mA. If you use two 3500 mAh 18650 battery this board theoretically could work 70 hours.
2. Battery isn't included, recommeding using two 3350mAh flat 18650 batteries.

What is it?
This ESP8266 development board comes with an integrated 18650 charging system, OLED display and a 3 way momentary slide switch.
It comes installed with the latest ESP8266 Deauther software.
With this software, you can perform different attacks to test WiFi networks.
Please note that the ESP8266 does only support 2.4GHz. For more details on the software, visit:

You can also use it to develop your own software. It is simple to use, just like any other ESP8266 development board.

What makes it special?
Only ~100mA power usage
Up to 35h of battery life with a 3500mAh 18650 cell
Included 8dB antenna and Arcylic case
4 LEDs to indicate battery status in real time
Reverse LED indicate wrong battery direction
Power button: Click to turn on, double click to turn off,long click will open high light LED
Protection: short, over charging, over discharging, temperature,polarity
Break out GPIOs of ESP8266

Break out same pin map with deauthe oled V4
Added polarity protection
Added polarity indicate LED
AMS1117 changed to LM39100
Added support for other 3.7V Li-battery
Increased WiFi range

GPIOs and hardware info:
Display: SH1106 1.3" OLED
Display SDA: GPIO 5 (D1)
Display SCL/SCK: GPIO 4 (D2)
WS2812b LED: GPIO 15 (D8)
Button Up: GPIO 12
Button Down: GPIO 13
Button Select: GPIO 14

Breakout Pins:

You can use it with the display and buttons:
You can also connect to "pwned" with the password "deauther" and use the web interface:
If you lost the password you can reset it:

Packing List:
1 * ESP8266 development board Deauther WiFi OLED V3
1 * 10p Pin Header
1 * 8db atenna
8 * Screw
4 * Copper Support (Long)
4 * Copper Support (Short)
2 * Arcylic Case
1 * Li-battery connector

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